- Happy intimate relationship with a partner
- Network of close friends
- Enjoyable and fulfilling career
- Enough money
- Regular exercise
- Nutritional diet
- Sufficient sleep
- Spiritual or religious beliefs
- Fun hobbies and leisure pursuits
- Healthy self-esteem
- Optimistic outlook
- Realistic and achievable goals
- Sense of purpose and meaning
- A sense of belonging
- The ability to adapt to change
- Living in a fair and democratic society.[1]
The list above can be used as a check list to evaluate your wellbeing. How many of the things apply to your life? How many of the factors are you able to proactively start doing? Undoubtedly the ability see and make healthy choices are interlinked with your current wellbeing.
On the other hand, in the mist of your current difficulties which may be as a result of some of the factors listed due to stressful life experiences, there's likely to be things beyond your physical or emotional control. This is likely to require support and assistance from others including professionals like myself.
Whenever possible, it would be good to take any opportunity to reduce sources of stress and engage in healthy activities that make you feel good and enhance wellbeing like getting good sleep on a regular basis or doing/starting a fun hobby. This will serve to be part of the small steps that will slowly help you to feel better and improve your quality of life.
[1] http://www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/Bhcv2/bhcarticles.nsf/pages/Wellbeing?open